Kidney patient’s milestone of 30 years on dialysis
A kidney patient in the care of Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has reached the milestone of 30 years of dialysis treatment. Mahmood Jabbar, 71, is the Trust’s longest-standing dialysis patient, having started the life-sustaining treatment in 1991. Haemodialysis is a treatment to remove waste products and extra fluid from the blood, and is given to...
Children’s charities unite for family fun day
Two of the area’s best-known children’s charities are uniting to stage the ultimate family fun day fundraiser at Penwortham’s Sir Tom Finney Pub. The free entry event on Sunday, 29th May, will run from 11 am to 6 pm and is a collaboration between Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Charity’s Children’s...
Vaccinators Inject Funds for Charities
Prepared by Karen Whittaker, Clinical Supervisor; Liz Heap and Jo Campbell, Registered Healthcare Professionals, St John’s Mass Vaccination Centre. In February 2021 a team of health care professionals and many others from a range of sectors, including the travel industry, education, nutrition, aesthetics, bioscience and veterinary medicine came together to form a COVID mass vaccination...
Carers Forum - 25 May
Our next Carers’ Forum will take place next Wednesday 25th May at 2pm. This month we welcome our lead for health and wellbeing services, Lindsey Wharrie who will be providing a talk /presentation on health and wellbeing issues. Colin Bowman will also be providing us with an update from NCompass and the services provided by...
Melanoma Awareness Month: Do you #KnowYourSkin?
People living in Lancashire and South Cumbria are urged to #KnowYourSkin during Melanoma Awareness Month. Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the UK and the number of people diagnosed with the condition has risen steeply since the 1970s. Men in particular are at risk of developing melanoma skin cancer, with one...
Bee happy!
Earlier this week the Estates team at RPH helped to rescue a large swarm of honey bees that had gathered on the waste yard fencing. The bees had shown no sign of moving on after several hours so a local beekeeper, Viki Cuthbertson, was contacted and she very kindly came out to help. Viki brought...
New Health Academy launched in Lancashire and South Cumbria
A new health academy has been launched to improve the health and wellbeing of people living in Lancashire and South Cumbria. The Population Health and Health Equity Academy will see health and care partners across Lancashire and South Cumbria come together to develop a consistent approach to reducing the differences in people’s health. The...
Ten years ago, today!
An unbroken marathon of life-saving service hit an amazing 10-year record today. Northwest Blood Bikes delivery of vital NHS supplies has continued round-the-clock for ten years regardless of appalling weather, snarled traffic and back-to-back pandemic lockdowns. Today’s stunning milestone means the riders have taken blood between hospitals across the North West and the southern...