Children’s Illnesses – appropriate alternatives to A&E
Children’s Illnesses – appropriate alternatives to A&E from Lancashire Teaching Hospitals on Vimeo. We are currently seeing an increasing number of children arrive in our Emergency Department at Royal Preston and the same is true of all surrounding hospitals. For many this was not the best place for them to receive their care. The...
New Discharge Lounge opens at Royal Preston Hospital
A new Discharge Lounge has opened at Royal Preston Hospital, offering improved facilities for patients as they leave hospital. Relocated to the front of the hospital, the new enlarged facility has capacity for up to 21 patients at a time and offers a comfortable and welcoming space for people at the end of their stay in...
Christine’s journey from healthcare assistant to endoscopy manager
A nurse at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust has shared her experiences after progressing from the role of healthcare assistant to a unit manager of an endoscopy department. Newly-appointed Chorley and South Ribble Hospital Endoscopy Manager Christine Roberts joined Lancashire Teaching Hospitals as a Band 2 Healthcare Assistant in November 2009. Christine began her healthcare career working ...
“Oh Mr Porter what shall I do” said Boris
NHS staff who were on the frontline in the battle against COVID-19 will be at the heart of a special service of commemoration and thanksgiving to be held at St Paul’s Cathedral on Monday, the anniversary of the health service’s foundation. Martin Keeney who heads up the portering service s at The Royal...
New video clinic suite opens at Royal Preston Hospital
Medical Director,Dr Gerry Skailes, pictured withChief Operating Officer, Faith Button. An innovative new video clinic suite has opened at Royal Preston Hospital. Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has invested in the new facility after seeing a growth in popularity of video clinics among clinicians and patients since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. ...
Lancashire Teaching Hospitals shortlisted for an HSJ Patient Safety Award
Lancashire Teaching Hospitals have been shortlisted for the ‘Quality Improvement Initiative of the Year’ at the prestigious Health Service Journal (HSJ) 2021 Patient Safety Awards. The awards recognise NHS teams who are actively enhancing patient safety by driving cultural change to minimise risk, enhance quality of care and ultimately save lives. Patient safety is a serious...
Happy first birthday Stella - our youngest premature baby to ever be discharged from Royal Preston Hospital
Everyone at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals would like to wish a happy first birthday to a very inspirational little girl, Stella. Stella was our youngest ever premature baby to have been discharged from Royal Preston Hospital having been born 18 weeks early weighing just 480g on the Trust’s Neonetal Intensive Care Unit. Born at just 22 weeks...
Dr Munavvar COVID-19 Update
Dr Munavvar COVID-19 Update - Lancashire Teaching Hospitals from Lancashire Teaching Hospitals on Vimeo.