The Centre for Health Research and Innovation is based within the Lancashire Clinical Research Facility at Royal Preston Hospital.
The Lancashire Clinical Research Facility is an innovative collaboration between Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Lancashire Care Foundation Trust and Lancaster University, resulting in a fusion of both physical and mental health research expertise to benefit patients and service users.
This dedicated space allows the collaborative team to share good practice and expertise, reducing the burden on outpatient clinics whilst still providing a comfortable and safe clinical environment for our patients. The building itself consists of:
- light and attractive waiting area complete with refreshments for patients and visitors;
- five fully equipped clinical rooms;
- hot desk space for research nurses and clinical academic researchers;
- a small laboratory complete with centrifuge and freezer (-20°C) for storage of samples prior to moving to the main pathology (-80°C) freezers;
- two small bookable meeting rooms, suitable for study monitors, visiting academics and one to ones;
- enclosed garden area;
- Secure file storage room.