Lancashire Teaching Hospitals working towards reopening Chorley and South Ribble Emergency Department in September 2020
Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust today confirmed that its Board had taken a formal decision to work towards a September 2020 date for the reopening of the Emergency Department (ED) at Chorley and South Ribble Hospital. This timetable is subject to a number of building changes to comply with current Public Health England guidance and...
Local care provider holding 24 hour cyclathon to raise money for people with life-limiting conditions
Local care provider Clifton Homecare are holding a sponsored 24-hour cyclathon to raise money for the Lancashire Teaching Hospitals Charity and Trinity Hospice. The team will be cycling for 24 hours starting at 9am on Friday 17th July and finishing at 9am Saturday 18th July. Taking part are Alysson, Lauren, Genna, Jacqui, Ciara, Nicole and Melissa....
A new book about Preston North End FC is a global hit with 10% of profits going to Lancashire charity
A new book about Preston North End Football Club is taking the community by storm. North End Souls 2, which tells the story of 16 PNE greats, has been snapped up by around 1,000 people – that’s half of the available 2,000 copies sold in less than a month. Keith Harrison, Writer, Leader in Residence at UCLan and author...
Remembering those we have lost and thanking our incredible staff on the 72nd birthday of the NHS
Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is thanking its staff and the local community for their support and compassion during recent months. On Sunday 5th July, the NHS marks its 72nd birthday, and while this is a celebration of our fantastic organisation, there is a great deal of sadness due to those we have lost...
Lancashire Teaching Hospitals introduce new initiative to support the international doctors joining their teams
A unique initiative aimed at supporting medical graduates from overseas is being rolled out from the end of June at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals. Sponsored by Health Education England and Lancashire Teaching Hospitals, in partnership with the University of Manchester, the Medical Intern Programme supports International Medical Graduates (IMGs) – who currently make up 25% of the NHS...
Hydration Hero water bottles for Lancashire Teaching Hospitals staff thanks to Colonel Tom Moore’s fundraising
The Lancashire Teaching Hospitals Charity has used a portion of NHS Charities Together money, raised thanks to Colonel Tom Moore’s inspiration and the generosity of many thousands of others who have donated and raised money, to purchase water bottles for all staff at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals. The charity purchased 10,000 ‘Hydration Hero’ water bottles in...
Accelerated Nursing Degree Apprenticeship programme approved for local Trusts
Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Northumbria University have been approved by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) to deliver an 18-month Registered Nurse Degree Apprenticeship. This accelerated course is available for existing Assistant Practitioner staff in NHS Trusts across the Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care System (ICS). The eligible staff will have...