Mr Stephen Canty
GMC/GDC Number
Consultant Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgeon and Divisional Medical Director for Surgery
BSc, MBChB, FRCS (Tr & Orth)
Specialty Areas
Knee arthroscopy
ligament reconstruction
patellar re-alignment
primary and revision knee replacement
Professional Memberships
Royal College of Surgeons
British Orthopaedic Association
British Association of Surgery of the Knee
Mr Canty qualified from the University of St Andrews and Manchester. He completed higher specialist Orthopaedic training in the North West, and then completed a British Association of Surgery of the Knee recognised Knee Fellowship in the UK and a Travelling US Fellowship.
He started as a Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgeon with a special interest in soft tissue knee surgery in 2008. His clinical practice is now dedicated to knee surgery, and involves knee arthroscopy, ligament reconstruction, patellar re-alignment, and primary and revision knee replacement.
In addition to his clinical practice, he has a significant commitment to medical leadership within Lancashire Teaching Hospitals and across Lancashire and South Cumbria. He is the Divisional Medical Director for the Surgical Division at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals. He is the Chair of the Lancashire and South Cumbria Musculoskeletal and Trauma & Orthopaedic Network. He is the Medical Lead for the Lancashire and South Cumbria New Hospital Programme.
Languages Spoken