Mr Syed Sulaiman Shoab
GMC/GDC Number
Consultant Vascular Surgeon (secretary email)
Specialty Areas
Varicose Vein Disease
Leg Ulcers
Diabetic Foot Disease
Aortic disease including Aneurysm repair
Leg circulation problems
Surgery for prevention of stroke (Carotid)
Specialist Interests
Varicose Vein Disease
Leg Ulcers
Diabetic Foot Disease
Aortic disease including Aneurysm repair
Leg circulation problems
Surgery for prevention of stroke (Carotid)
Author of published papers and presentations on;
Vein disease diagnosis and treatment,
Aortic aneurysm treatment and outcomes
Diseases of leg circulation
Professional Memberships
Medical Protection Society/ European Society for Vascular & Endovascular Surgery
Other Professional Roles/Awards/Esteem Markers
I am a member of the review panel for the ‘The Surgeon’ journal.
I have been a consultant surgeon for more than 10 years with varying roles. Currently I am in an acute and elective vascular practice looking after both open as well as endovascular surgical cases.
I hold a European university diploma in laparoscopic surgery and have a fellowship certificate in endovascular surgery.
I periodically present at international meetings. I am a member of the European vascular Society. In addition I have memberships of the Medical protection society and the British Medical Association.
Languages Spoken
Original Papers
1. Taman E, Ragab A, Khereba W, Attia K, Alshafey EO, Shoab SS. Single Stage Vascular Repair & Tissue Cover In Complex Ankle Injuries. Ann Vasc Surg 2019.
2. Shoab SS, Lowry D, Tiwari A. Effect of treated length in endovenous laser ablation of great saphenous vein on early outcomes. J Vasc Surg Venous Lymphat Disord. 2016.
3. Shoab SS, Duddy M, Vohra R. Critical limb ischemia: diagnosis, management and parameters for success. Italian Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 2016 March; 23(1): 46-67.
4. Shoab SS, J. Porter, J. H. Scurr, P. D. Coleridge. Effect Of Oral Micronised Purified Flavonoid Fraction Treatment On Leucocyte Adhesion Molecule Expression In Patients With CVD - A Pilot Study. Journal of Vascular Surgery 2000:31 (3): 456-61.
5. Shoab SS, J. Porter, J. H. Scurr, P. D. Coleridge.Plasma VEGF As A Marker Of Therapy In Patients With Chronic Venous Disease Treated With Oral Micronised Flavonoid Fraction-A Pilot Study. European Journal of Vascular & Endovascular Surgery Volume 17- issue 10- October 1999. 334-338
6. Shoab SS, J. Porter, J. H. Scurr, P. D. Coleridge Smith. Endothelial Activation Response to Oral Micronised Flavonoid Therapy in Patients with Chronic Venous Disease a Prospective Study. European Journal of Vascular & Endovascular Surgery Volume 17 - Issue 4 - April 1999. 313-318
7. S A Aly, Shoab SS & C R Bishop. Inter Observer variation; An alternative method to assess the role of the ultrasonic imaging in the clinical decision of lower limb arterial disease. International Angiology. 1999 Sep;18(3):220-4.
8. Shoab SS, JH Scurr & PD Coleridge-Smith. Effect of induced venous hypertension on plasma VEGF in patients with chronic venous disease. Scripta Phlebologica. Oktober 1998: Vol 6; 55-57.
9. Shoab SS, Scurr JH, Coleridge-Smith PD. Increased Plasma Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor among patients with Chronic Venous disease. Journal of Vascular Surgery 1998; 28: 535-40
10. Shoab SS & Mannan P. A Review of Acute Vascular trauma & of early surgery performed for its complications;' The Journal of Post-Graduate Medical Institute Peshawar ‘ Vol 4; No1: 1990.
Case Reports
1. S Shoab, B Saravanan, S Neminathan, T Garsaa. Thiersch repair of a spontaneous rupture of rectal prolapse with evisceration of small bowel through anus –a case report. Accepted for publication in the Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Oct 2006.
2. S Shoab & J Sammut. Phytobezoar: A rare cause of late upper gastro-Intestinal perforation following gastric bypass surgery. Accepted for publication in the Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Sep 2011.
3. Khan JA, Usman F, Abbasi S, Shoab S. Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma presenting as a chronic leg ulcer: the importance of repeat tissue biopsy. Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 2011 May;93(4):e9-10.
1. Scores may not predict Outcome in Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm. The Veith International Vascular Symposium Florida USA. Nov 2021
2. Effect of treated length in endovenous laser ablation of great saphenous vein on early outcomes. Shoab SS & Tiwari a. Veith symposium New York Nov 2019.
3. Infection risk in vascular surgery - a wound based classification. Shoab SS, Egun A & Joseph TJ. Charing Cross Symposium London April 2019.
4. Endovenous thermal ablation of varicose veins Determinants of success. Shoab SS. Endovasculogy Intyernational Conference Shanghai China Sep 2017.
5. Effect of treated length in endovenous laser ablation. Shoab SS, Lowrey D & Tiwari A. Vascular Surgical Society Bournemouth Nov 2015.
6. The effects of chemical sympathectomy in patients with peripheral vascular disease. B Saravanan, S Khurram, S Smith, R lewis, S Shoab. Welsh Surgical Society Annual Meeting Aberystwith 18,19 May 2006.
7. Plethysmography-Derived Parameters Of Venous. Function And Their Correlation To The ‘C' in CEAP - J Farrah; B Boyle; L Boden; S Shoab; P Coleridge Smith – UIP (Internatioanl Union of Phlebology)-Rio de Janiero, Brazil October 2005.
Published Letters
1. Sexual Function in Men following EVAR - Letter to the Editor regarding JVS-D-08-00944. Accepted for publication. The journal of Vascular Surgery Jan 2010.
2. The influence of sub-intimal angioplasty on level of amputation and limb salvage rates in lower limb critical ischaemia: A 15 year experience. Williams DT, Shoab SS, Watkin GT. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2006. 31, 446-450.
3. Randomized clinical trial assessing impact of a lightweight or heavyweight mesh on chronic pain after inguinal hernia repair. Br J Surg. 2005 May;92(5):655-656
4. Tunneled central venous catheters. S S Shoab & S A F Aly Correspondence section European Journal Vascular & Endovascular Surgery accepted Mar 2005.
5. Role of superficial venous surgery in the treatment of venous ulceration. S S Shoab & PD Coleridge Smith: correspondence section Bri J Surg. 1999; 86: 1475-6.
6. Activated Protein C Resistance: the commonest hereditary hypercoagulation disorder. Correspondence Section. Br J Surg1998; 85: 1161.
7. Management of ileosigmoid knotting. Correspondence Section. Br J Surg 1997; 84:1322.
8. Saphenous Vein stripping and quality of outcome, Correspondence section. Br J Surg 1997; 84:139.
9. Safety & efficacy of ultrasound guided arterial puncture for antegrade femoro-popliteal angioplasty. M Farrugia, SK Shami, TR Cheatle, S S Shoab. Accepted for presentation Cardiovascular & interventional Society for Europe. Barcelona September 2004.
10. Shoab SS/ P D Coleridge-Smith Effect of Operative treatment on Leucocyte/Endothelial activation in Patients with Chronic Venous Disease-A Prospective Study. Royal Society Venous Forum Meeting, Gloucester, April 2001
11. Shoab SS/ M Howlader/ P D Coleridge-Smith. The effect of skin compression on capillary blood velocity in patients with combined arterial & venous disease. European Venous forum meeting, Lyon France 29 Jun 2000. **2nd Prize European Venous Forum.
12. Skin Compression Increases Capillary Blood Velocity In Patients With Chronic Venous Disease. S Sulaiman-Shoab/ J H Scurr/ P D Coleridge-Smith. Presentation Venous Forum Royal Society of Medicine, Manchester April 1999.
13. Levels Of Soluble Endothelial Adhesion Molecules Persist after Corrective Surgery for Superficial Venous Reflux. S Sulaiman-Shoab/ J H Scurr/ P D Coleridge-Smith. Presentation Venous Forum Royal Society of Medicine, Manchester April 1999.
14. Increased Leucocyte Activation Persists After Corrective Surgery For Superficial Venous Reflux. S Sulaiman-Shoab/ J H Scurr/ P D Coleridge-Smith. Presentation, American Venous Forum Dana Point California Feb 1999.
15. Outcome of leg ulceration due to superficial venous disease ( mid to long term results).; S Sulaiman-Shoab/ J H Scurr/ P D Coleridge-Smith. Presentation Venous Forum of the Royal Society of Medicine. Oct 1997.
16. Endothelial adhesion molecule expression in patients with chronic venous disease- Effect of oral purified micronised flavonoid fraction Presentation British micro-circulatory meet Manchester 30-31 March 1998.International Union of Phlebology (UIP) Meeting Sydney Australia Sep 7 1998
17. Effect of oral Flavonoid treatment on Leucocyte Adhesion Molecule expression in patients with chronic venous disease;. Venous Forum of the Royal Society of Medicine. Oct 1997.
The American venous forum for the vascular surgical society, Orlando, 18-21 February 1998.
International Union of Phlebology (UIP) Meeting Sydney Australia Sep 7-1998.
Abstract published in phlebology; 1997.
18. Increased Plasma Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in Venous disease.
The 3rd North Sea Meeting on Venous Diseases. May 23-24, 1997 Bruges, Belgium.
Venous Forum of the Royal Society of Medicine. Oct 1997.Abstract published in phlebology; 1997.
19. Direct medial and lateral tributaries of the Femoral vein - A prospective study;
Venous Forum of the Royal Society of Medicine. Oct 1997.
Sixth meeting of the Antyllus society, at The Royal Society. 1996.
Abstract published in phlebology; 1997.
20. Volvulus of the Sigmoid Colon;
Presentation Annual Sir Peter Fryer Surgical Meeting
Galway 1992.
Published letters
1. Sexual Function in Men following EVAR - Letter to the Editor regarding JVS-D-08-00944. Accepted for publication. The journal of Vascular Surgery Jan 2010.
2. The influence of sub-intimal angioplasty on level of amputation and limb salvage rates in lower limb critical ischaemia: A 15 year experience. Williams DT, Shoab SS, Watkin GT. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2006. 31, 446-450.
3. Randomized clinical trial assessing impact of a lightweight or heavyweight mesh on chronic pain after inguinal hernia repair. Br J Surg. 2005 May;92(5):655-656
4. Tunneled central venous catheters. S S Shoab & S A F Aly Correspondence section European Journal Vascular & Endovascular Surgery accepted Mar 2005.
5. Role of superficial venous surgery in the treatment of venous ulceration. S S Shoab & PD Coleridge Smith: correspondence section Bri J Surg. 1999; 86: 1475-6.
6. Activated Protein C Resistance: the commonest hereditary hypercoagulation disorder. Correspondence Section. Br J Surg1998; 85: 1161.
7. Management of ileosigmoid knotting. Correspondence Section. Br J Surg 1997; 84:1322.
8. Saphenous Vein stripping and quality of outcome, Correspondence section. Br J Surg 1997; 84:139.
9. Thrombolysis for acute DVT, Correspondence section. Br J Surg 1996; 83: 1481-1482.
1. MS thesis accepted by University College London ’’Objective assessment of therapy on microcirculatory parameters in chronic venous disease’’ 2010.
2. Thesis for FCPS on ‘Volvulus’ of the sigmoid colon’’ 1989.
Other Projects & Audit
2. Compliance with day surgery in varicose vein operations
3. An Audit of the small aneurysm surveillance program at Ysbyty Gwynedd. Completed Project
4. Efficacy of chemical lumbar sympathectomy in chronic critical limb ischaemia. An audit project. August 2005.
5. The effect of endovascular aneurysm repair on sexual function in men- A survey of 50 patients. Being submitted for presentation.
6. The effect of operative treatment on leucocyte and endothelial adhesion molecules in Chronic Venous Disease. An original study being submitted for publication.
7. The effect of compression on the microcirculation in patients with arterial, venous and mixed disease. An original study recently completed.
8. Wound Complications of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy – Short to mid term Outcome An audit project
9. Laparoscopy In Staging Of Carcinoma Of The Oesophagus/ Cardia. Retrospective study of 80 cases
10. Outcome of arterial embolectomy of the lower limb - a study of cases performed in five years An audit project.
11. Effect of antibiotic administration on groin wound complications in varicose vein surgery. A double blind Study.