How do I access Blood test clinics in Preston, Chorley and South Ribble Hospitals?
The main blood test clinics at Preston and Chorley have reverted back to a walk in clinic
Use of face masks in our hospitals
Guidance on use of face masks when on site at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals
Chorley and South Ribble Hospital’s Emergency Department information
Click to see the Emergency Department information
Visiting information latest – updated 23rd February 2022
Full visiting guidance can be found here
If you have a hidden disability or you are mask exempt, you can collect your lanyard or wrist band from both sites - Preston and Chorley.
Preston - The General Office 9.00–4.15 Monday– Thursday and 9.00–4.00 Friday (closed 1.00-1.30 for lunch)
Chorley - The General Office 8.30–4.00 Monday– Thursday and 8.30–3.00 Friday (closed 12.30-1.00 for lunch)