Medical Illustration
Contact number: 01772 523 288
Medical Illustration, also referred to as Medical or Clinical Photography, is used as a visual method of recording a patient’s condition.
The Medical Illustration Department specialises in photographing patients to produce accurate photographs that show medical conditions clearly for use in patient care.
All of our photographers are fully qualified clinical photographers.
- Why do I need to be photographed?
Photographs are a good way of showing a medical condition and making a permanent record for your clinical notes, whether before, during or after treatment. They enable clinical staff to make assessments of your treatment progress, by comparing your condition with your previous photographs. Many photographs taken by Medical Photography are also used for teaching doctors, nurses and other medical professionals. Sometimes, with your permission, images can be published in a medical book or journal.
- Consent to Photography
The photographs are taken at your doctor or nurse’s request. They will explain to you the reason for the request and ask you to sign a consent form to show that you agree to the photographs being taken and used.
In the case of minors, the parent or guardian is required to sign the consent form on the behalf of the child.
There are three levels of consent:
- Record only means that the photographs will be kept in your clinical records and may only be used by clinical staff involved with your treatment or clinical assessment.
- Teaching means that your photographs may be used for teaching trainee doctors and other medical staff.
- Publication consent - your doctor might also ask you whether we can use the photographs for another 'specified purpose'. This might, for example, be publication in a book or medical journal. In this case you should know the exact publication in which your picture(s) will be used. Often your doctor will not know until sometime later that a photograph is needed for a publication, so in these cases he or she will contact you to ask for your permission
You have the right to withdraw consent at any time, even after the photographs have been taken. If this is the case then please contact the Medical Illustration Department.
- The Photography Process
Before any photographs are taken, the photographed will ask for your consent form and will double check that you have signed it.
The photographer will explain the photographs they will be taking of you. Depending on which parts of your body are to be photographed, you may be asked to remove jewellery, make-up and some clothing. The photographer will show you how to sit or stand in order to achieve the best photographs for your medical records.
We use flash lighting which can be quite bright as the photograph is taken. Sometimes we need to use mirrors and retractors to see inside the mouth, and we may require you to use hair bands/grips to keep hair away from your face. If you feel uncomfortable at any time during the process please let your photographer know.
Once the photographs have been taken, you will be given a copy of your consent form to keep. You will then be free to go and the images will be uploaded for your doctor or nurse to view.
Parents or guardians can chaperone the photography of a child.
You can have a family member accompany you during photography if this helps you to feel more comfortable.
If, when you arrive, you feel you would like a chaperone present, please make your photographer aware and one will be made available.
- Image Storage and Retention
Your photographs are confidential documents that form part of your medical records, and will only be viewed by staff involved in your health care. If you have consented to your photographs being used for teaching, then they may be seen by doctors and other healthcare professionals in training.
Photographs taken by Medical Illustration will be stored on our clinical image library, on a secure server. These stored images are managed in line with both local and national policies regarding medical records.
- Making an Appointment
If your doctor has advised you to contact the Medical Illustration department to arrange an appointment for photography then please call us on 01772 523288.
You will be required to bring your signed consent form with you.
Alternatively, your doctor may send you to us for photography as part of a clinic appointment with them. In this case please attend the department as advised by them. Note that you may have to wait for a photographer to become available.
Cancelling an Appointment
If you are unable to attend your appointment, we would be grateful if you could contact us as soon as possible on 01772 523288. We can then offer your original appointment to another patient. A further date and time will then be arranged for you.
- How to find us