Colleagues across Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust took part in an annual ‘Fast for a Day’ challenge this week – set up to provide support and encouragement for Muslim colleagues who are observing the month of Ramadan.
The challenge, which sees colleagues fast from sunrise to sunset, was set up by Professor Munavvar, a Respiratory Consultant at the Trust, who has been running the challenge for several years to raise money for the Trust’s Rosemere Cancer Foundation.
Over 75 colleagues from across the Trust took part in the challenge, all from various backgrounds and professions.
Following the fast, an Iftar (breaking of the fast) event was held in the education centre at Royal Preston Hospital to celebrate and congratulate those who had took part.
Trust Imam, Naeem Toorawa, began the celebration event with a melodious recitation from the Holy Quran in which God emphasises the beauty of man and the significance of time, after which colleagues joined together to enjoy a feast which had been prepared by Professor Munavvar and the Chaplaincy team. Celebratory desserts and international foods were on offer, including Biryani and Samosas.
The Chaplaincy team were delighted to see colleagues of different faiths and backgrounds coming together as a community with Trust Imam, Khalid Ibrahim, adding that “it was heart-warming to see colleagues interacting with one another and reflecting on the blessings of God.”
To date, Professor Munavvar has raised over £17,000 for the Rosemere Cancer Foundation, which supports world-class cancer treatment throughout Lancashire and South Cumbria.
Professor Munavvar was overwhelmed with the number of attendees and colleagues who took part in the challenge. He said: “The 3rd annual Rosemere Ramadan Challenge was a grand success with a record number of attendees. It was truly fascinating to see colleagues from a variety of departments across the trust who took the time and effort to take part in this event, including members of our Executive team including Chief Nurse, Sarah Cullen and Director of Continuous Improvement and Transformation, Ailsa Brotherton. I am entirely grateful to all those who attended, and I’d like to express my sincerest gratitude to all the organising members who helped us put this event together.”
Following the event, Sarah Cullen, Chief Nurse, added: "This year felt even more special as more colleagues and friends joined in. We sat together, learned more again about the significance of Ramadan and how to support colleagues who are fasting and appreciate the self-discipline and charitable activities that are taking place all around us.
"I hope that by participating in events like this I am actively demonstrating my personal and professional inclusive beliefs and how serious I am about the importance of valuing our multicultural workforce within our organisation. I also hope it leads to colleagues feeling they are respected and that difference is welcomed and respected in our organisation and by sharing these types of experiences I hope it helps colleagues relate and support patients from our whole community in more positive ways. "
Also taking part in the fast was Head of Rosemere Cancer Foundation, Dan Hill. He said: “About three years ago, some of Professor Munavvar’s colleagues asked if he would mind if they joined him fasting for a day during Ramadan to see what it was like and he suggested they support Rosemere Cancer Foundation in the process.
“More of his colleagues wanted to become involved and so last year, Professor Munavvar decided to turn the fast into a fundraising event for Rosemere Cancer Foundation, which has funded diagnostic equipment for our patients. This year’s event was a great success and I can see it getting bigger and bigger in the years to come.”